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In the KIKKEN-lab, we are waiting for Tsukkomi, ideas of everyone who is watching right now! YOU!!
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Welcome to the site of the Workshop on Basic Human Biology Education, KIKKEN Lab.

Our animations and commentary are boldly summarized to convey points.
The content includes the original interpretation and expression of the KIKKEN.

We are trying to be careful not to make mistakes, but not say that there is nothing (^_^;). (there are quite a few). We appreciate that you can point out mistakes and uncertainties.
※ Even in the past articles, they have been revised frequently as necessary. This online description is the latest version.

You can copy and paste the animation from the screen as it is on the PowerPoint slide. When using it, please attach "KIKKENLab, 2022". The content of this site is copyrighted to the Workshop on Basic Human Biology Education (KIKKEN) and its representative ceoKIKKEN, except for those quoted.
KIKKEN is the abbreviation (acronym) for KISO IGAKU KYOIKU KENKYUKAI (Workshop on Basic Human Biology Education).

The animation on this site is just an illustration for beginners.
If you have an interest in this site, please contact us with a COMMENT.

Workshop on Basic Human Biology Education for the paramedical school beginners' course, Japan

· Although we are making every effort to keep in mind the contents of information, we do not guarantee the accuracy and safety of the contents. Information providers are not responsible for any damage incurred on the basis of such information.

All Articles (English version)

Workshop on Basic Human Biology Education for the paramedical school beginners course, Japan

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