[002] KiKKEN-lab website open!

[002] KiKKEN-lab website open! | 基礎医学教育研究会(KIKKEN)Lab

Online videos are exceptionally useful as a part of PowerPoint presentations in class. Unlike photographs and still picture illustrations that can be used in textbooks and prints, showing video adds a unique appeal to slide presentations using a personal computer.

Of course, while each source is clearly specified and used as a “quotation,” there are some works that prohibit or refuse downloading, and in those cases, it is unfortunate that such wonderful images cannot be used in class. Additionally, there are many original images with unknown sources, and the use of images is often subject to many restrictions.

Furthermore, it is not uncommon to search the internet and be unable to find the perfect image for a given scenario. Even when a similar work is found, it may be too long or too detailed, making it difficult to convey the intended message. It is also worth noting that many works on the internet are impressive productions, but for the purposes of my class, I decided to create my own simple videos.

It is essentially a gadget, a simple and focused look at a small aspect of a phenomenon. It is similar to a flipbook comic.
That is why I included the subtitle gadget BIOLOGY. Even though it is a simple gimmick, if the drawings are not carefully executed, the movement may not turn out as expected when animated. Even a small change can significantly alter the interpretation of the phenomenon based on the movement of the transitions, which can be challenging. Therefore, it is possible that significant revisions may be required after the initial posting.
While this is presented in the form of a blog, the content will be modified as needed, and the date simply indicates the original posting date, not a diary entry.

Basically, movies are made with animation-GIF. You can click on the screen to copy it to Poworpoint.
KIKKEN is an abbreviation for KISO IGAKU KYOIKU KENKyoukai.

Gadget Science ← This is an American children’s science teaching material page (English)

Welcome to the KISO-IGAKU KYOIKU KENKYUKAI (KIKKEN) Laboratory website!
On this site, we have provided a selection of simple animations designed to demonstrate the essential principles of various basic biomedical systems, primarily for the benefit of paramedical students and teachers at our school.

Life’s basic systems are constantly in motion until the end.
Our endless animations aim to provide an introduction to the underlying principles behind these systems.
If you have an interest in learning more, please don’t hesitate to contact us through the web.
Thank you.

[018] Welcom to the KIKKEN-lab. New Year special issue 2013

Enjoy the flattering manga!
rev.20170205, rev.20230109.



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Workshop on Basic Human Biology Education for the paramedical school beginners course, Japan

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